Simulation adds value to Education

Inspiring online seminar for our Educational User Community

On April 29th a group of enthusiastic teachers from several Universities working and teaching with Enterprise Dynamics® attended our online seminar Simulation & Education. InControl received loads of positive reactions launching the simulation software Enterprise Dynamics version 10.4. Particular new features and the user-friendliness were mentioned.  

In the discussion about online teaching, the teachers expressed great appreciation of the free-of-charge Enterprise Dynamics Student Starter extended edition. InControl made this version available since universities and Applied Sciences Institutes closed their facilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.    

A part of the new software release and the extended Student Starter edition, the following two subjects were presented: 

The first presenter was Mr. Koos van Overdijk from Avans University of Applied Sciences. He explained how they are using the Enterprise Dynamics program for many years. More than 150 students per year studying Industrial Engineering and Management uses InControl’s software program during Discrete Simulation courses. Where students have to design a soft drink factory in Enterprise Dynamics with all its features as part of a group projectMr. Koos van Overdijk, has provided this inspiring course for many years and presented the ins and outs of this case and the way he shared his knowledge during the seminar.  

Thereafter, Mr. Han Mackor of Royal Schiphol Group and Mr. Harry Bunnik of InControl explained how a Digital Twin is created. What are the starting points and what steps do you need to take before you are even ready to run Digital Twin? To give insight into this process we elaborated on our approach to the baggage handling system of Airport Amsterdam Schiphol. How does Schiphol translate a suggestion to (re)design or improve a system or process into realistic implementation using the advantages of simulation software? 

Are you interested in teaching with Enterprise Dynamics classroom?  

Become part of our active Educational User Community and discuss or share your knowledge and experiences with other lecturers. 

Just send an email or check our website.  

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